Community Standards

Screenopolis community standards

Screenopolis is a community of people who love movies, TV shows, and show business. The purpose of this site is to discuss, analyze, criticize, and praise movies, TV shows, actors, and the show-business industry.  We engage in snarky, satirical, and sometimes critical commentary as well as more serious analysis and interviews.  

Everybody is encouraged to share their ideas, insights, and commentary provided it aligns with the stated purpose of this site and the Community Standards defined below. 

However, nobody is entitled to post on Screenopolis.  This is not a “free-speech” board where you can say whatever you want. 


Screenopolis comments are moderated and you will be held accountable for what you post.  That means if you post content that is in violation of these Community Guidelines you may experience one or more of the following consequences:

  • Your content could be edited or deleted entirely.
  • Your user account could be temporarily or permanently banned.
  • Your IP address could be temporarily or permanently blocked from accessing this website.
  • Screenopolis Corporation may report your actions to law enforcement or other relevant authorities in extreme cases. 

Prohibited content

Below is some, but not all, of the types of comments and/or content that may trigger one or more of the aforementioned consequences:

  • Personal attacks.  This means any attack on a specific person.  We look for phrases such as “you are the kind of person who…” or “people like you.”  We also look for name calling, badgering, or intentionally being rude.  Attacking other posters or the people who run this website will get you banned, quickly. 

  • Racism, Sexism, Hatred:  You are absolutely free to hate anybody you want.  You are not free to spread hatred on Screenopolis.  This includes hatred toward all groups, but we are especially sensitive toward hatred directed at any minority group or protected class.  

  • Politics:  While our writers do comment on politics and the political themes surrounding movies, Screenopolis is not a political site.  You may not engage in or perpetuate a political argument.  We do not care what “side” you are on.  We will delete political debates.  We will ban people who are repeat abusers.  

  • Hacking:  Hack our site, get banned.  We know what hacking is. 

  • Spam: If your post is trying to get people to look at off-site content or sell things, you will be quickly and permanently banned. 

  • Personal information (“doxing”):  You may not post any personally identifiable information on this site.  This includes things like addresses, IP addresses, phone numbers, places of work, etc.  This includes information about yourself or others.  This also includes personal information about celebrities that could facilitate “doxing.”
  • Pornography and illicit content:  You may not post any content that is pornographic, illegal, intentionally revolting, or illicit.  This includes any content that makes any reference to child abuse or sexual exploitation. Screenopolis will assist in any law enforcement investigation related to illicit content. 

  • Suicide: Suicide is not a joke.  We take any mention of suicide seriously and will notify authorities if necessary.  Joking or teasing people about suicide will get you permanently banned. 

  • Hate Posting: If you exhibit a history of aggressive, hateful, negative, or disruptive commentary, we may ban you.  Again, there are plenty of other sites on the Internet where you can stir up trouble. This is not the place for that.

We view this website like a classroom: you can ask questions, offer theories, share ideas, and make jokes.  You cannot disrupt the entire class.  The moderators of this site will have the final say in all bans or deletions.  There is no recourse or appeal.  Simply stated, if you cannot behave like a decent, respectful, and civilized person on our site, you will be told to leave.  Screenopolis is under no obligation to post anything from anybody. 

Lastly, these Community Standards apply to posting on the site.  They do not apply to the writers of content on this site.  Our writers have a different set of standards that are, in many ways, more restrictive.  Since their content is moderated, so is the content of anybody posting to this site. 

We apologize if these rules feel unfair, onerous, or discriminatory. However, the Internet is a difficult place to maintain decorum.  These rules are necessary to keep the site focused on its purpose.  


By accessing this website and/or posting content, you agree to follow these Community Standards.  You also agree to the aforementioned consequences should you fail to follow these Community Standards.  You understand and accept that Screenopolis Corporation has the final say in all moderation actions.  Screenopolis Corporation reserves the right to change these Standards at any time without notice to you.  You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Screenopolis Corporation, its officers, employees, and contractors regarding the content on this site.  If you do not agree to these Community Standards, do not access this website and do not post content. 


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** actual levels of awesomeness may vary. 


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** your levels of awesomeness will vary.