Want to Write for Us?
Are you a movie buff? Have a knack for throwing shade at lackluster films? Enjoy blending fandoms with insightful critiques? Can you write 2000 words analyzing the artistry of a cinemtographer? Do you like movies about gladiators?
Then write for Screenopolis.
Writing For Screenopolis
Screenopolis seeks contributing writers for individual pieces and on an ongoing basis. Do you have something to say? A sharp perspective? A well-informed insight? A bitter but intelligently worded tirade? Waves of wisecracks? Put that talent to work here.
Screenopolis covers culture and entertainment, primarily focused on movies and TV shows. However, we occasionally cover other formats, such as video games, concerts, or theater performances.
We tend to write about newer movies and material, but no time periods are off-limits.
Potential authors should familiarize themselves with Screenopolis’s subject categories and editorial guidelines.
Our style
Though the approach will vary based on subject, writers should write for the general public with a focus on the art and craft of moviemaking. Articles can tackle sophisticated ideas but should remain accessible to a broad audience, who may not be versed in every detail of movies or TV shows. We expect you to follow basic journalistic protocols for facts and details, but we also want you to be creative with style, phrasing, and figurative language. We believe the best writing works at multiple levels.
Screenopolis aims to explore, explain, criticize, analyze, and satirize entertainment. We do not gush, worship, unfairly insult, or mindlessly demonize. You can be critical; you cannot be cruel. We do not care much for the personal lives of celebrities, nor are we interested in any kind of fanfiction. We welcome all viewpoints if they are backed with well-informed, rational arguments. However, this is not the site for tirades on the “woke agenda.”
Target length for a Review is 800-900 words. Analysis and Interviews are typically longer, clocking in around 1200 to 1500 words. Anything longer than 2000 words should have prior approval from the editor.
Content types
Screenopolis organizes our content into the following categories:
- Reviews: Critical assessment of a movie or TV show as well as the story, performances, and presentation.
- Analysis: Deeper investigation into a person, theme, or body of work.
- Interviews: Discussions with notable people in the industry.
- Lists: Classic lists of content with a theme, such as top ten science fiction movies.
- Upcoming: Lists of upcoming movies and shows. Much of this content is AI generated using Screenopolis’ unique Sark AI engine.
Use of AI
Screenopolis uses AI! We have an AI bot, named Sark that we built specifically for this site. Sark’s job is to gather up information about upcoming movies and TV shows. Sark also goes out and finds other reviews. We view AI as an invaluable assistant. Sark frees the editors to focus on creative content, while enriching the site with informational content.
We intend to continue developing Sark to contribute to the site.
As a writer for this site, we do not accept AI generated content. We understand that AI can be a useful assistant. However, authors that submit AI generated work will be sent to the games grid for immediate de-resolution.
Yes, we named Sark after David Warner’s character in Tron.
Yes, we are nerds.
Work For Hire?
The content you write for Screenopolis will belong to the company. This means you will be restricted from republishing your content elsewhere. We allow republishing on personal blogs for the purpose of getting additional work. We do not allow republishing any content you submit to us on any competitive website. If you are uncomfortable with this arrangement, then you may want to reconsider applying to write for us.
We pay for content. The pay varies on the level of commitment and type. We prefer writers who can contribute content on a regular basis and are comfortable working on deadline.